Pesto Spatchcocked Chicken

Just when you thought you had enough pesto…. Wait, that would never happen. We are wrapping up our pesto recipe deep dive, and possibly saving our favorite for last. We spatchcock this chicken so that it cooks quicker and all the skin gets nice and crispy. The pesto is stuffed underneath the skin and takes it to the next level! You can also roast this chicken on top of some small potatoes and you have your next Sunday Supper or week night meal ready to go! For a step by step check out our IGTV 💫

1 small whole chicken (about four pounds)

1/4 cup pesto

Kosher salt


Preheat the oven to 450 degrees

Cut the back bone out of the chicken and break the breastbone so that it lays flat. Sprinkle both sides of the bird liberally with salt. Lift The skin up from the meat and put small dollops of pesto underneath the skin spreading it out. Do this for both breasts, and both thigha, pushing the pesto all the way down to the legs. (For a visual step by step check out our IGTV)

Place the bird in a 10” cast iron pan and roast for 45 minutes or until the internal temperature reads 165 degrees. Once there, remove the bird from the over and squeeze the lemon on top. Remove the bird from the pan and cut into pieces. Whisk together all of the juices and browned bits from the bottom of the pan. Pour juices on top and serve.

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Rum Punch


Pesto Stuffed Tomatoes