

PESTO 💫 My mom has always grown basil, and when her plants were at their peak she would make batches of pesto and fill our basement freezer with dozens of jelly jars of it. It is the number one item to always keep on hand for emergency meals- I use it on sandwiches, in omelets and frittatas, in salad dressing, on pizzas and pasta, to top chicken, shrimp or salmon…the list goes on. Up next- a few of our favorite pesto recipes 💫🌿

1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup pine nuts (preferably toasted)
2 cloves garlic, peeled and roughly chopped
1/2 tsp kosher salt
2 cups basil leaves, fairly tightly packed
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Pour olive oil into a blender. Tip💫 Always start with the liquid at the bottom of the blender for the best blend. Add the pinenuts, garlic, kosher salt and basil. Start blender on low and work your way up to medium. Blend for about 30 seconds on medium to get a smooth consistency and then add the Parmesan cheese. Continue to blend on medium until combined.

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Pesto Pasta with Zucchini, Corn and Crumbled Bacon


Ranch Crackers